Yearly Programs
The Montessori Pre-Primary environment includes children ages 3 through 6 years (preschool and kindergarten). Central Montessori Academy offers two Pre-Primary rooms; each with a trained teacher-student ratio in the Pre-Primary classrooms is 1:12, which gives teachers the opportunity for individualized attention and self-paced learning.
The three-year cycle is an essential part of Montessori education. Children stay in the same room with the same teacher and group of children for 3 years. During the Montessori three-year cycle, children experience different roles, responsibilities, and perspectives.
Young children learn by observing and interacting with the older children. Older children gain a true understanding of concepts by teaching it to their younger peers. Each year, children become more independent, leading up to their 3rd year (Kindergarten) where they have the unique opportunity to be community leaders and role models.

Benefits of mixed age grouping: –
1.Allows for strong relationships to be built amongst teachers, parents, and children.
2.Supports children’s moral development as they learn and practice respecting others, develop sensitivity towards others’ needs, and build a community who love to learn.
4.Our Classrooms have:-A variety of motivating and educational material Multi-hour, uninterrupted work time, which supports the young child’s development of concentration and attention span. Individualized and small group lessons Peer-to-peer learning Lessons in cooperation and working together .Class pet Food experiences Field trips “in school” where community programs, such as firefighters, are invited into the classrooms